After years of practice, it’s time to claim your Gymnastics Gold!
After years of training, the day has finally arrived–you are competing in the women’s gymnastics finals. All of the top gymnasts are here, including you, with the gold medal on the line. As the crowd cheers, you salute the judges, take one final breath, and begin your routine. It’s time to claim the title of World’s Greatest Gymnast!
Gymnastics Gold is a crazy fun dice and card game… a Yahtzee combined with gymnastics or sorts.
ChalkBucket received a post that was basically an ad for this game. The post was flagged by ChalkBucket staff (great work) as we don’t allow unpaid advertising on the site.
We got into a conversation with the creator of the game and I ended up saying… “Send a free copy of it and I’ll review it on the home page. I have 2 daughters and a son that all do gymnastics and love board games.“
The creator of the game said… “Thank you very much for the understanding and the offer. Is there a specific address / ATTN I should send it to?“
I honestly was thinking in my head that there was no way that a gymnastics board game could be any good. I never expected to sit down an play and be ready to play it again right away.
Game Description
My initial reaction when I started playing was… “THIS GAME IS AWESOME! Very uniquely complex like gymnastics itself… but so much fun if you take the time to read the directions and play it correctly.“

I played it with my 2 daughters… the older is a 16 year old Level 10 and the younger is a 14 year old Level 9.
My older Daughter’s reaction was… “I think it’s fun… it’s cool.“
My younger Daughter said… “Complicated but realistic. It’s very fun.“
Below is the actual game description straight from the website…
After years of training, the day has finally arrived–you are competing in the women’s gymnastics finals. All of the top gymnasts are here, including you, with the gold medal on the line. As the crowd cheers, you salute the judges, take one final breath, and begin your routine. It’s time to claim the title of World’s Greatest Gymnast!
Gymnastics Gold is a dice manipulation and card game designed to simulate a high-level gymnastics meet. Players will rotate between Uneven Bars, Balance Beam, Floor Exercise and Vault, drawing cards and choosing which skills they will try to execute. Harder skills yield greater rewards but also carry harsher deductions.
Each event has unique dice mechanics representing the gymnast’s execution of her skills. Players must decide whether to keep rolling (chasing glory at the risk of more deductions) or to take their lumps and call it quits. Smart decisions–and getting an adrenaline boost at the right time–will ultimately make the difference between a gold medal and not even making the podium.
When the meet is over, awards are given to the top-scoring gymnast in each event, with one gymnast being crowned as All Around Champion.
After years of practice, it’s time to claim your Gymnastics Gold!
Game Play
The coolest thing about the game play is that the game is actually 4 totally different and unique games. Just like gymnastics it has vault, bars, beam, and floor.
Once you play an event and get ready to move on to the next event… you think that it will basically be the same… WRONG!
Be prepared to hunker down with the manual for a few minutes before each so you fully understand each event. This part of the game really makes it like gymnastics. If you don’t know the code / rules… you aren’t going to win. Attention to detail is key with Gymnastics Gold just as it is in real gymnastics.
As long as you read the directions the game play is fun and simple…
- read your cards…
- roll the dice (and maybe again and again)…
- read your cards again…
- figure out your score…
- play all four events…
- add up your all around score… BAM… someone won!
If you really want to get a head start on the game before your copy arrives… you can check out the rules right here.
The Events
Here is a brief overview of the 4 events just to show you that it really is 4 completely separate and unique (and fun) games.
Uneven Bar Rules
Below is the the actual rule book so you can get an idea of the complexity of the game. Again… extremely fun… but high attention to detail is required just like gymnastics.
Overall Review
We had a great time playing this game and will play often. There are no other games like this on the market! This is a very fun and unique game for anyone that loves gymnastics.
The game says 12+ years of age… but I am sure that many of the younger gymnasts that I coach at the gym would really love this game if they had a little bit of help from an adult.
The game retails for $51.99 and it’s worth every penny of that. I would definitely purchase this game. As a matter of fact… we are going to order a bunch for our pro shop in the gym (using the “Crowd S@le” below).
I would highly recommend both add-ons that you can purchase for the game as well. The “booster pack” is vital in my opinion.
One Time Crowd Sale!
Game Crafter (the manufacturer) is doing a one time sale on Gymnastics Gold right now. This sale is perfect if you are looking for the maximum discount and would like to gift it for Christmas. Please read the details of the sale below.
There is a one-time “Crowd S@le” occurring from July 22 through August 8 (timing not coincidental). The concept here is that people from all over can place orders and the company will do a bulk run, thus decreasing cost for everyone. The more copies ordered, the greater the discount. Everyone gets the max discount, which increases for every 10 copies sold. As an example, the starting price for the sale (which includes a small discount) is $49.99. If 10 copies are sold, the price (for everyone, even those who already ordered) drops to $48.31. At 50 total copies, the price is $41.59. At 100 it’s $33.22. Best way to get a discount, but it’s a one-time thing. The trade off is that the games then get processed in their long-run queue, which means they likely won’t ship until December. It’s similar to a Kickstarter queue.

JBS is a Head Coach. He has a wife, 2 daughters, and a son. All of them are involved in gymnastics. He enjoys family, friends, spending time on the lakes in the ski boat, the Chicago Bears, NASCAR, chicken wings & beer, and good music!