Biles is out… Carey is in

Pressure and stress in the world of upper level athletics is very real.

We have a great discussion going on in the forums right now about upper level athlete stress and the pressures of media and social media.

Check out the following excellent post from Ken1978…

I knew this argument would surface. Of course there is inherent and unavoidable pressure from being in a top position in sports. The question is, how much additional and unneeded pressure is being heaped on these athletes by intrusive media that only care about their story, could we rein it in through some sort of new anti-harassment laws, and separately, what can we do to ensure athletes have all of the support they need to cope.

I see people on Twitter taking the position that she has to just "man up" and deal with things herself. I understand that position, but in the end I think it's not only morally wrong but also logically wrong. Even if someone is heartless and doesn't care about her as a person, acting like she's disposable. Where's the next Simone in line to take her place? Oh, there isn't a next Simone in line. There's literally no one at her level. So the U.S. still lost out on gold medals because we didn't take care of our athletes properly.

Anyway, some ideas I had:

- legally barring media from interacting with them except for certain times and days of the week?

- founding an organization dedicated to athlete outreach, which could provide, among other things: access to trained counselors familiar with high-level sports issues, facilitating communication and mutual support between athletes facing similar problems, and maybe connection with fans/volunteers who just want to offer consistent support and encouragement.

- making personal counseling for athletes a standard, regular thing for all athletes beyond a certain level. In this way, removing some of the stigma against counseling. Even something like a scheduled monthly 15 minute session, to open the door to it, and find out which athletes may need more support. Especially after the abuse so many have faced. Many people are too embarrassed to seek out counseling, or may not even realize they need it.

Join in the discussion below and let us know what you think about everything that is going on in gymnastics right now.

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Nooooo ... well as people have said this is where those 10ths of point are going to matter

I don't think tenths are going to matter here. (and you might change your title and put SPOILER)

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I feel so sad for her. So much pressure for such a young person to handle.

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wow... shocker!
Yes, at the end a few tenth wouldn't have matters ;)

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I don’t think spoilers matter at this point, it’s all over the news.

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I don’t think spoilers matter at this point, it’s all over the news.

I agree...although someone will get upset. lol

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So, any news out there what happened to her? They say it was not physical but mental. Will she be back for AA and EF?
What happens is she is not? Can another American replace her? I think Jade is the next in line for AA.
And is it possible that Mykayla gets to be in the finals after all?o_O

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So, any news out there what happened to her? They say it was not physical but mental. Will she be back for AA and EF?
What happens is she is not? Can another American replace her? I think Jade is the next in line for AA.
And is it possible that Mykayla gets to be in the finals after all?o_O

The official statement is a medical issue that will be assessed daily to determine medical clearance.

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So, any news out there what happened to her? They say it was not physical but mental. Will she be back for AA and EF?
What happens is she is not? Can another American replace her? I think Jade is the next in line for AA.
And is it possible that Mykayla gets to be in the finals after all?o_O

This is what I’m wondering. I *think* yes? Unless the two country rule includes scratches? Anyone know for sure? Either way I hope Simone is ok. Super proud of the others for stepping up and doing the best they could. And though I’m sad for us, congrats to the Russians. They looked amazing. What a crazy ride this sport this!!!

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Well, it looks like I was correct about Simone. I commented on 7/5 that Simone seemed off and the pressure and difficulty of her routines might cause an injury:

I agree with your thought that Simone seemed off. When she started her beam routine she seemed very "mechanical" and did not appear happy. My concern is the enormous pressure as the "G.O.A.T" and the difficulty in all of her events is going to cause an injury.

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From what my gymnast saw this morning, it looks like she caught a case of the twisties, which can happen from mental exhaustion. Josc called it in warmup.

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Yup. Looked like the twisties. She was getting lost in the air and I'm honestly incredibly impressed she managed to get that 1.5 to her feet. I feel terrible for her but the rest of the team really stepped up and the support and sportsmanship they showed was incredible to watch. I'm just so glad Simone was in a position to say she needed to scratch and was listened to because continuing to compete in the condition she was in would have been dangerous and an injury would have been so much worse than just pulling out.

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I wonder if there might be more to it than simply breaking down under the pressure. Being the best in the world, being watched by the world, being under pressure.... none of those are anything new for her.

I suspect there's a chunk of the story that we're missing.

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I wonder if there might be more to it than simply breaking down under the pressure. Being the best in the world, being watched by the world, being under pressure.... none of those are anything new for her.

I suspect there's a chunk of the story that we're missing.

I wondered if she is struggling with some PTSD stuff related to the last time she was here. Maybe flashbacks or something that triggered her twisties? Saying prayers for her mental healing and comfort. This whole situation is not easy for her. I think it is so easy to forget what she (and likely Skinner too) endured in the prior quad.

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Yup. Looked like the twisties. She was getting lost in the air and I'm honestly incredibly impressed she managed to get that 1.5 to her feet. I feel terrible for her but the rest of the team really stepped up and the support and sportsmanship they showed was incredible to watch. I'm just so glad Simone was in a position to say she needed to scratch and was listened to because continuing to compete in the condition she was in would have been dangerous and an injury would have been so much worse than just pulling out.

Yes, I mean it stings a little, but that’s the nature of the sport. To walk away with the team silver with a whacky vault, no Simone, and a fall on floor still speaks to the level of our gymnasts.
I think some of Simone’s twisties or whatever can be attributed to sheer and utter exhaustion. This year has just been so jam packed with major comps back to back to back. Her level of difficulty across all events really wears on the body and the mind. Not necessarily pressure, just completely tuckered out.

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Well, it looks like I was correct about Simone. I commented on 7/5 that Simone seemed off and the pressure and difficulty of her routines might cause an injury:

I agree with your thought that Simone seemed off. When she started her beam routine she seemed very "mechanical" and did not appear happy. My concern is the enormous pressure as the "G.O.A.T" and the difficulty in all of her events is going to cause an injury.

I don't know how to edit my comment so I am replying to my comment. I was wrong on the injury. Now I think Simone did this for her best friend Jordan. Jordan finished 40th and was the only US team member who did not finish in the top 24.

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G #16

I am wondering if there is more to it as well.

Say it was the pressure and nothing else though, I can't help but to wonder if she will regret her decision down the line. Maybe she did it for the team, or thought she would get severely injured in her mentality and yet at the same time how many chances do you have to give it all you've got at the Olympics?

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