Get Ready for Travel Meet Season!

After staying home due to Covid restrictions for the last two years, many gyms are eager to embrace a wider pool of competition at travel meets, and destination travel meets are more than ready to welcome gymnasts back. Still, it’s been impossible to miss recent news stories about delayed or cancelled flights that have left …

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Stay Sane in a Sometimes Crazy Sport

Most of us had no idea what we were getting into when we first signed our child up for a rec gymnastics class. What we found once they started competing was an intense, year-round sport that challenges athletes physically, mentally, and emotionally. As soon as meet season ends the push for next level skills begins. There is no doubt it’s a demanding …

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Stave Off Sibling Rivalry in the Gym

Having more than one gymnast in the family means managing multiple practice schedules, having the seats in your car covered in chalk, and your weekends devoted entirely to meets, but it could also mean dealing with sibling rivalry, especially if your gymnasts progress at different rates or have different levels of success. How can you …

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Which Camp is Right For Your Gymnast?

Summertime is fast approaching, and when school is out what do most gymnasts dream of? More time in the gym, of course! No matter what level your child is there are multiple camp options and we’ve got a rundown of some of some of the most popular gymnastics camps around the country where your athlete …

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What Comes Next? 5 Sports To Try After Gymnastics

Gymnastics truly is a sport where you can start here and go anywhere. Gymnastics teaches a tremendous amount of self-discipline and focus, and gymnasts develop strength, coordination, and the ability to accept feedback from coaches—all skills that easily transfer to another sport. So, if the time has come when your gymnast is considering retiring and …

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Develop a Meet-Ready Mindset

Your athlete spends many hours a week training in the gym, pouring their blood, sweat, and tears into the sport they love. Maybe they’re the kind of kid who always hits routines in practice. They work hard, take corrections, and put in their best effort day after day in the gym. Then meet day rolls …

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Perfect 10’s In College Gymnastics

Many say that college gymnastics scoring is out of control… scores are just too high. I don’t agree. When the scoring is high and close… it’s more exciting for the average person to watch. This discussion is all about perfect 10’s in college gymnastics. A place to list videos of them all… but also a …

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